Monday 8 September 2008


Sago is one commodity that is unique because in addition to the natural plantation, so also in the know only by a small community of the world. Sago is the staple food of the world, It is the first time period to the present. Sago, at this time even more favorite alternative, in use as a substitute for wheat and rice.

In general, sago produced by only a few countries in the world such as Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Nepal, India and others. Specifically, The commodities in some provinces this produced only. Such as Riau, Sulawesi, Papua, Maluku, Jambi etc..

In the future in which many experts predicted, this commodity will be the strength of this new look from some of the companies that have started the expansion of plants from coconut to sago.

Because the plant is not too complex in the treatment of both cost and time. We are not too dizzy with the fertilizer because it is normal to grow in violent location.

In this blog, I will try to explain this plant and its functions to the alternative energy world in the future.

have a nice day…………..