Sago is a starchy, fecula, a granular substance used in cooking. It is very similar to tapioca and is used for much the same purpose. Sago is the pith found inside the stems of some cycad plants of the genus Cycas, the most notable being Cycas revoluta. The pith is ground to a coarse flour, washed carefully to leach out natural toxins, and the portion that is removed during washing is dried and cooked. It is eaten in the lowlands of Irian Jaya and on the Moluccas. Sago can be made into steamed puddings, such as sago plum pudding, or ground into a powder and used as a thickener for other dishes or as a dense glutinous flour.SAGO
sāˈgō [Malay], edible starch extracted from the pithlike center of several E Asian palms (chiefly Metroxylon sagu) or sometimes of cycads. The starch is an important item in the diet in some parts of E Asia and is exported for use in foods (e.g., puddings) and for stiffening textiles. Sago is obtained by grinding the stem content of a filled mature sago palm that is beginning to flower into powder and washing the starch free. For local use it is pulverized, but for the market it is usually sieved and then heated to form granules. The florists' sago palm is not a true palm but a cycad of the American genus Zamia.Z. floridana, called wild sago or coontie, yields Florida arrowroot. KARAKTERISASI SIFAT FISIKO-KIMIA BEBERAPA JENIS PATI SAGU (Metroxylon sp.)By seminartpFebby J. Polnaya1, J. Talahatu1, Haryadi2, D.W. Marseno2, H.C.D. Tuhumury1
1 Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Pattimura, Jl. Ir. M. Putuhena, Kampus Poka - Ambon 2 Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Sosio Yusticia Bulaksumur - Yogyakarta
Pati sagu dalam penggunaannya, sangat ditentukan oleh sifat-sifat fisiko-kimia. Sampel pati sagu yang dianalisis meliputi Sagu Tuni (Metroxylon rumphii Mart.), Sagu Ihur (M. sylvestre Mart.), Sagu Molat (M. sagu Rott.) dan Sagu Makanaru (M. longispinum Mart.) yang diekstrak segera setelah dilakukan penebangan pohon. Komposisi proksimat menunjukkan bahwa kadar air pati sagu bervariasi antara 12,50-12,99%, kadar abu 0,123-0,139%, lemak 0,230-0,286%, serat kasar 0,011-0,033% dan protein total 0,216%-0,265%. Kadar amilosa berkisar antara 35,13-38,65%. Kejernihana pasta pati bervariasi antara 29,19-56,49%T650 dan setelah disimpan selama 5 hari pada suhu 4oC, maka kejernihan pasta turun menjadi 1,71-4,37%T650. Suhu awal gelatinisasi pati sagu berkisar antara 70,5-73,5oC, suhu puncak gelatinisasi 76,5-84oC dan viskositas maksimum 1.717-1.933 BU. SEM menunjukkan bentuk granula pati sagu adalah oval dengan diameter 20-40 mm.
Kata-kata Kunci: Pati Sagu, komposisi proksimat, kejernihan pasta, gelatinisasi |
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