Thursday, 9 April 2009


The sago I explain here is I got from public service sercver
Sago palm
Metroxylon sagu

Description: These palms are low trees, rarely over 9 meters tall, with a stout, spiny trunk. The outer rind is about 5 centimeters thick and hard as bamboo. The rind encloses a spongy inner pith containing a high proportion of starch. It has typical palmlike leaves clustered at the tip.

Habitat and Distribution: Sago palm is found in tropical rain forests. It flourishes in damp lowlands in the Malay Peninsula, New Guinea, Indonesia, the Philippines, and adjacent islands. It is found mainly in swamps and along streams, lakes, and rivers.

Edible Parts: These palms, when available, are of great use to the survivor. One trunk, cut just before it flowers, will yield enough sago to feed a person for 1 year. Obtain sago starch from nonflowering palms. To extract the edible sage, cut away the bark lengthwise from one half of the trunk, and pound the soft, whitish inner part (pith) as fine as possible. Knead the pith in water and strain it through a coarse cloth into a container. The fine, white sago will settle in the container. Once the sago settles, it is ready for use. Squeeze off the excess water and let it dry. Cook it as pancakes or oatmeal. Two kilograms of sago is the nutritional equivalent of 1.5 kilograms of rice. The upper part of the trunk's core does not yield sage, but you can roast it in lumps over a fire. You can also eat the young sago nuts and the growing shoots or palm cabbage.

Other Uses: Use the stems of tall sorghums as thatching materials.

About Sago Healthcare

Sago Healthcare works with hospitals and physicians to provide best-in- class connectivity, including virtual private networks, wireless network support and high-speed Internet service. Sago also provides secure offsite file storage and has the technical means to facilitate data recovery from damaged systems. The Company's services are fully customizable and seamlessly integrated to offer its clients the confidence, security, and reliability they deserve. Sago has an innovative strategy for providing clients with a complete IT support solution, from start-to-finish as well as the ability to manage the storage and transfer of comprehensive files.

CHARLESTON, W.Va., March 15 — Sparks generated inside the Sago Mine by friction between falling rocks, or between the rocks and metal roof supports, were the likely cause of the methane gas explosion early last year that killed one miner and led to the asphyxiation of 11 others whom the blast trapped, a report by the United Mine Workers of America maintains.

The report, issued by the union Thursday, runs counter to the findings of three other investigations — two by the state and one by the mine’s owner — all of which concluded that a lightning strike was either the cause of the explosion or the likely cause.

The owner, the International Coal Group, is being sued by families of those killed, and some of the plaintiffs have suggested that the company is clinging to its finding as a way of advancing an “act of God” defense. In a phone interview Wednesday ahead of the union report’s release, the U.M.W. president, Cecil E. Roberts, discussed its conclusions and said of the alternative, “I believe the company pursued this early on because it was their best defense in litigation.”

The company dismissed the new finding. “The U.M.W.A.’s report is nothing more than political grandstanding,” the chief executive, Bennett K. Hatfield, said in a statement. “The report is wholly unreliable as an investigatory finding and is designed solely to further the union’s political and organizing agenda.”

The International Coal Group’s investigation, concluded a year ago, determined that “an unusually large lightning strike of roughly three times the normal strength was measured near Sago” at the time of the explosion, on Jan. 2, 2006. The lightning touched off the blast, which was fueled by methane that had naturally accumulated in an abandoned, recently sealed section of the mine, the company’s investigators found.

The two state reports, from the West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health Safety and Training and from Gov. Joe Manchin III, agreed that lightning was the most likely cause, although the governors’ investigators said friction from a rock fall could not be ruled out. And the miners office report noted, “How the electricity from lightning entered the sealed-off area is still under investigation.”

In the interview on Wednesday, Mr. Roberts said, “They still can’t prove how lightning got into the mine,” and pointed out that the bolt had struck two miles from the site of the explosion.

The union’s investigators found it more likely that rocks falling from the mine’s ceiling had created sparks “as the materials rub together or become dislodged and strike other materials as they fall.”

The report also argued that the Sago fatalities were a direct result of industry delays and obstruction of measures that would increase mine safety, including the installation of communication systems enabling miners to talk to those above ground after an explosion; tracking systems that would help find missing miners; and underground safety chambers, with access to fresh air, where miners could take refuge in an emergency.

“If we’d been able to talk to the miners at Sago, they’d be alive today,” Mr. Roberts said.

Chris Hamilton, senior vice president of the West Virginia Coal Association, an industry group, said communications and tracking technologies were being put in place. “We are seeing them installed, yes,” he said in a telephone interview.

As for the safety chambers, not everyone is convinced they are a good idea, since “the primary objective should be escape at all costs” after an accident, Mr. Hamilton said.

CHARLESTON, W.Va., March 15 — Sparks generated inside the Sago Mine by friction between falling rocks, or between the rocks and metal roof supports, were the likely cause of the methane gas explosion early last year that killed one miner and led to the asphyxiation of 11 others whom the blast trapped, a report by the United Mine Workers of America maintains.

The report, issued by the union Thursday, runs counter to the findings of three other investigations — two by the state and one by the mine’s owner — all of which concluded that a lightning strike was either the cause of the explosion or the likely cause.

The owner, the International Coal Group, is being sued by families of those killed, and some of the plaintiffs have suggested that the company is clinging to its finding as a way of advancing an “act of God” defense. In a phone interview Wednesday ahead of the union report’s release, the U.M.W. president, Cecil E. Roberts, discussed its conclusions and said of the alternative, “I believe the company pursued this early on because it was their best defense in litigation.”

The company dismissed the new finding. “The U.M.W.A.’s report is nothing more than political grandstanding,” the chief executive, Bennett K. Hatfield, said in a statement. “The report is wholly unreliable as an investigatory finding and is designed solely to further the union’s political and organizing agenda.”

The International Coal Group’s investigation, concluded a year ago, determined that “an unusually large lightning strike of roughly three times the normal strength was measured near Sago” at the time of the explosion, on Jan. 2, 2006. The lightning touched off the blast, which was fueled by methane that had naturally accumulated in an abandoned, recently sealed section of the mine, the company’s investigators found.

The two state reports, from the West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health Safety and Training and from Gov. Joe Manchin III, agreed that lightning was the most likely cause, although the governors’ investigators said friction from a rock fall could not be ruled out. And the miners office report noted, “How the electricity from lightning entered the sealed-off area is still under investigation.”

In the interview on Wednesday, Mr. Roberts said, “They still can’t prove how lightning got into the mine,” and pointed out that the bolt had struck two miles from the site of the explosion.

The union’s investigators found it more likely that rocks falling from the mine’s ceiling had created sparks “as the materials rub together or become dislodged and strike other materials as they fall.”

The report also argued that the Sago fatalities were a direct result of industry delays and obstruction of measures that would increase mine safety, including the installation of communication systems enabling miners to talk to those above ground after an explosion; tracking systems that would help find missing miners; and underground safety chambers, with access to fresh air, where miners could take refuge in an emergency.

“If we’d been able to talk to the miners at Sago, they’d be alive today,” Mr. Roberts said.

Chris Hamilton, senior vice president of the West Virginia Coal Association, an industry group, said communications and tracking technologies were being put in place. “We are seeing them installed, yes,” he said in a telephone interview.

As for the safety chambers, not everyone is convinced they are a good idea, since “the primary objective should be escape at all costs” after an accident, Mr. Hamilton said.

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