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Eko B. Walujo
Eko B. Walujo
Bogoriense Herbarium, Research Center for Biology Indonesian Institute of Sciences Presented at the X Congress of the National Science Jakarta, 8-10 November 2011 INTRODUCTION
Saving biodiversity means taking steps to protect genes, species,habitat or ecosystem. Therefore also means saving biodiversity prevent a major deterioration of natural ecosystems and to manage and protect the effective. Knowingly or not that biodiversity (flora, fauna, micro-organism / microorganism) is the center of all the sectors that are important to human life (bioprospecting). Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has a broad range of varied, from a narrow to a broad, from the flat, hilly and mountainous height, where the flora living in it, fauna and microbes are very diverse. Based on the distribution of biogeographic regions,
Saving biodiversity means taking steps to protect genes, species,habitat or ecosystem. Therefore also means saving biodiversity prevent a major deterioration of natural ecosystems and to manage and protect the effective. Knowingly or not that biodiversity (flora, fauna, micro-organism / microorganism) is the center of all the sectors that are important to human life (bioprospecting). Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has a broad range of varied, from a narrow to a broad, from the flat, hilly and mountainous height, where the flora living in it, fauna and microbes are very diverse. Based on the distribution of biogeographic regions,
Indonesia has a very important and strategic position of the richness and diversity of plants and their ecosystems. Data IBSAP (2003) estimates there are 38 000 species plants (55% endemic) in Indonesia, while the diversity of animal bones rear, of which 515 species of mammals (39% endemic), 511 reptile species (30% endemic), 1531 species of birds (20% endemic), and 270 types of amphibians (40% endemic). Height biodiversity and endemism levels it had put Indonesia as the
unique natural laboratory for tropical plants with a variety of phenomenon.
Besides the rich natural resources, Indonesia also has a diversity of ethnic groups with
social life and culture. Related to the wealth of natural resources
then if combined with a diversity of tribes that inhabit the entire
Indonesia archipelago, it is not surprising that growth and development of various systems
knowledge about nature and the environment. This knowledge varies from one ethnic group to
Other ethnic groups seems to depend on the type of ecosystem where they live, the climate
especially rainfall, customs, procedures, behaviors, patterns of group life or simply on the level
culture of the tribes (Walujo, et al, 1991) 1. More than 6000 species of plants
flowers, both wild and cultivated, recognized and utilized for material
food, clothing, shelter and medicine. Indonesian society to consume no less
of 100 species tumbuhandan sesame seeds as a source of carbohydrate. No fewer than 100 species
1 Walujo, Eko B., H. Soedjito, E.A. Widjaja & Mien A. Rifai. In 1991. Mastery of Ethnic Communities in Etnoekologi Secuplikan
Indonesia. Key papers on KIPNAS V. LIPI 1991
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beans, 450 types of fruits as well as 250 kinds of vegetables and mushrooms (KMNLH 2007) 2.
So also with the marine biological resources, animal and miroba, has long been used to
support the needs of everyday life of Indonesian society.
Although Indonesia is touted as an agricultural country, but in reality there are many
food shortages. Increase in population not only be the only trigger
block to get to the national food security. But the loss of agricultural land
converted to residential and industrial land, has become a threat and challenge
additional for Indonesia to become an independent nation in the field of food. This
all a load of new follow-up both in terms of economic, national security and health
Food problem is then a political issue that tends to be associated with
ideals of the implementation of food security for all people. Therefore, to
demand for food proficiency level are needed to availability of materials
inadequate, both in terms of quantity and type. Various types of tuber-producing plants, fruit,
and seeds of wild life, or who are in the yard, even the animals and microbes should
can be used as capital development of food security.
The notion of food security is often equated with the mean or the adequacy identikkan
rice self-sufficiency. Yet food security is essentially the requirement
people both in terms of food availability, stability, and access. Sastrapradja (2010) 3 in
one of the main writings, entitled "Ensuring the Sovereignty of Agricultural Biodiversity
Food "mentions that the people of Indonesia should be aware and must know
about the biological wealth of the nation possessed. If we can use it well,
we will be able to defend our sovereignty. Through a system of farming, property and
biodiversity must be managed and developed to ensure
food availability. Unfortunately the wealth to maintain food sovereignty is started
shrinking due to various changes. The cause is human activity and action in
clearing forests for agriculture and industrial crops as well as cutting down trees
excessively, beyond the carrying capacity of the hunting and illegal trade in various types of
wild plants and animals without rehabilitation.
In regard to food security, the agriculture sector holds a very important role. Various
production of agricultural commodities for food, is also closely related to diversity
culture in Indonesia. The history of each ethnic group presents
diversity in how to cultivated species of plants and animals. Plant species
and animals that evolved was used by the public in accordance with the historical and
2 KMNLH, 2007. Status of Environment Indonesia 2006. Jakarta
3 Sastrapradja, S.D and Elizabeth A. Widjaja (2010) Agricultural Biodiversity Pangan.LIPI Ensure Sovereignty
Press. Jln. Old Gondangdia 39, Menteng, Jakarta.
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level of civilization. Quality improvement tailored to the will and the need for
get a better food source. In the case of plants, the "farmers
traditional "inadvertently have to sort through superior cultivar-cultivar for propagation
from generation to generation. Such value is related to socio-cultural values and also the value of the option.
The irony is often overlooked. Similarly, the germplasm collection at the various institutions
research, was also not appreciated, either in development or
his research. The proof of accession collections of genetic resources collected by the National Commission
Germplasm AARD, little had been done her research. In the case
various food crops, fruits, vegetables, industrial crops, crop
plantations, chicken, fish and microbes have been collected (Table 1).
Table 1. The number of accessions in the collection of genetic resources AARD
1 5529 3397 Food Crops
Fruits 2 592 95
Vegetables 3 4438 1846
2168 4 338 industrial plants
Plantation crops 10 404 1273 5
6 Chicken 309 no data
7 Fish idem 1660
8 ditto 2670 Microbe
Biological resources is often interpreted as a capital to produce goods and services only. On
terms of biodiversity should be referred to the overall aspect of the support system
life that includes social, economic and environmental as well as aspects of the knowledge system
and ethics, and the relationship between various aspects of this (IBSAB, 2003) 4.
4 Bappenas, 2003. Indonesian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. National documents. Bappenas.
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In terms of biological resources of food, Indonesia is the region that became one of the main
distribution center of world economic growth. According to the Zeven and Zhukovsky (1967) 5
Indonesia and Indo-China is a region with many species found wild relatives
economic potential, such as the type of palm, sago, banana, durian, rambutan, winged bean, Intersection
comedy, and even rice showed a large range of diversity. Although
fact that rice is now a major food for nearly the entire population of Indonesia
it is not certain from where their ancestors (progenitors), but the form and
varieties are numerous. According to Nagai (1962) 6 in India there are 2000 known varieties, in Japan
2659, in the Philippines 940, not including those in mainland China. In Indonesia, the Dayak Benuaq in
East Kalimantan local rice cultivars known 67 and 36 cultivars of rice sticky rice (Hendra, 2009) 7.
Long before the study of centers of origin of cultivated plants, de Candolle (1855) have
indicates that there are three main agricultural region, Western South Asia, China, and
Tropical America. After that Vavilov continued his research on the world's centers of
place of origin of cultivated plants, namely, South-West Asia, Southeast Asia (including Indonesia),
Mediterranean, Abyssinian, and American.
Although Indonesia has experienced self-sufficient in rice, but other food
much remains to be imported, such as soy, corn, wheat, garlic. Not escape
various fruit and vegetable commodities, Indonesia still imported products flooded.
The fact that the population of Indonesia in the matter of food is still relying on tumbuhtumbuhan.
Though this source of vegetable protein compared with animal proten, in terms of
quality, source of animal protein is higher. Unfortunately the supply of animal protein has not been
can be fully met. If available, it often is also not yet covered by
population. This is due to the limited types of farmed animals.
Talking about the source of animal protein, animal species other than cattle, Indonesia has enough
various types of commonly consumed by people, but has not been seriously addressed
model of cultivation. Wild animals from the group of mammals and some fish species domesticated
provide opportunities to develop. For tropical deer species most widely
development is of the type of deer that is native to Indonesia timor deer (Cervus timorensis), and deer
sambar (Cervus unicolor). Meanwhile in freshwater areas, Indonesia became habitat
at least 2000 species of fish. Half of wild fish species could potentially be developed
as a food fish.
Indeed, the food problem will remain one of the major challenges of development,
considering the addition of the population that has not been fully controlled. Diversification of food
cultivated for a long time until now have not materialized, while the food source
5 Zeven, A.C. an Zhukovsky. 1967.Dictionary of the Cultivated Plants and Their Centre of Diversity. Centre for Agricultural
Publishing and Documentation. Wageningen, 219 pp.
6 Nagai, I. , 1962. Japonica Rice breeding and its culture. Yohendo Ltd. Tokyo.
7 Hendra, M. , 2009. Etnoekologi Shifting and Local Wisdom Botanical Society Benuaq in Kutai
West, East Kalimantan. Graduate School Dissertation, IPB. 2009: 312 p.
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variety is necessary for national security in Indonesia, which in fact form
islands and the conditions for different farm. Biodiversity is owned
nation Indonesia is actually a "green gold" that can be used as
alternatives to get out of the multi-dimensional crisis. But unfortunately we are not fail and
even forget about it (Sukara 2003) 8. That is why Rifai (2002) 9 states of reality
Recent biodiversity Indonesia that:
A. We have an abundant wealth of biodiversity, but we are poor
(Not just poor treasure, but we are also poor knowledge);
2. We have the potential of biodiversity, but not excavated;
3. We have the opportunity to develop biodiversity, but not
4. We have the challenge to develop biodiversity, but we
unable to answer;
5. We know that biodiversity is valuable in order, but tercampakkan;
6. We know that biodiversity has future prospects
promising, but never meet, and even deny it through
exploitation is not responsible.
In line with the use of food plants, plants for health has also been held
since the advent of human civilization on earth. Medical tradition can be traced back
more than five millennia ago with the advent of the written documents of the ancient civilizations of China,
India and the Middle East. In other words the use of plants to meet the needs of
mankind in the field of medicine is an art as old as the history
civilization of mankind. The use of herbs is empirically continued for
diiukuti centuries by the discovery of several bioactive compounds. The discovery of the alkaloid morphine,
strychnine and quinine in the early 19th century a new era in the use of tumbuhtumbuhan
as medicine and this is the starting point for the study of medicinal herbs
in a modern way. World of pharmacy and then advanced by leaps and bounds thanks to the discovery of techniques
chromatography and molecular structure determination by spectroscopy. The discovery of bioactive compounds
pharmacological means a lot, such as bis-indole alkaloids and vinbastin vimblastin of plants
8 Sukara, E. , 2003. Biodiversity (green gold), an alternative to Indonesia out of the multidimensional crisis. Oration
As an Expert Researcher of the inaugural field of Microbiology. Research Center of Biotechnology-LIPI. Bogor.51 p.
9 Rifai, M. A. Of 2002. Seminar presentation on Plant Taxonomy Penggalang Indonesia (unpublished). Center
Biology-LIPI research.
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Rosesus Catharanthus (Apocynaceae), which later developed into a commercial drug for
cancer (Ahmad et al 2002) 10 is an example of that development.
Knowledge and understanding of our unique flora that Indonesia is also widely recognized by
communities and have their uses. This presents a wealth of food resources
alternatives have been well received by the community. Practically since the green revolution, the policy
governments tend to focus on increasing food productivity are excellent
(Rice, maize, cassava, soybean), eventually led to forget the people in rural areas
Local food commodities such as potatoes, beans, fruits, herbs and spices,
even drugs. Some examples below are the types that have been widely recognized
people who have the potential and diversity found in Indonesia. Cultivar variation
owned seiap kind is a source of germplasm that is invaluable to
interests of the development of local food resources and to develop science
especially in agriculture.
a. Bulb
No fewer than 59 known Dioscorea species distribution, ecology, and
its economic potential. Of these 18 species of which have been cultivated
and the known value of its usefulness as a source of carbohydrate, alcohol, flour for
medication, fish poisons, insecticides. Tubers contain tannins, saponins,
Dioscorea alkaloid.11 addition, taro (Colocasia) also groups of tubers that
potential to be developed as a food reserve. Given the very
importance of taro to people's lives serinkali that these plants
utilization in terms of local culture. Known to exist
300 varieties of taro cultivation are distinguished by size, shape, color
leaves, stems, roots, and bunga.12 According to Ochse (1931) in Central Java have
there are 14 varieties are found in East Java and found 3 varietas.13 Among ubiubian
relatively popular is the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). Although this type of
not native to Indonesia, but already entrenched and become the staple food for
some ethnic groups in Indonesia. According to the Central Research Institute
Agriculture (1969) 14 sweet potato clones have some hope that a priority
development, namely: Southern Quen (27 clones), tembakur purple (West Java clone),
10 Ahmad, S.A. Euis Holisotan Hakim, Lukman Makmur, Didin Mujahideen, Yana Maolana Shah and Lia Yuliawat Goddess. Of 2002.
Untu strategy Beasal Drugs from Plants. Proceedings of the Second National Symposium on Plant Drugs and
Aromatics. Biodiversity, LIPI, APINMAP, UNESCO, JICA.
11 Burkill, I.H. Of 1951. Dioscoreaceae. Flora Malesiana 43 (1): 293-335.
12 Neal, M.C. Of 1965. In gardens of Hawaii. Lancaster Press, Lancaster. 924 p.
13 Ochse, J.J. Of 1931. Indische groenten. Vlkslectuur, Batavia-C. 1001 p. 3 gb.
14 Institute for Agriculture Research Center. Of 1969. Tubers in tropical regions. LP3 brochures, Bogor, 1969. P1-7, 1 table.
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Putihkalibaru (East Java clone), Power, Jongga, work, Kendalipayakputih (clone of Java
East), edang (West Java clone), SBY (4 clones), Serdang, hooks and cape. Related
with this alternative food sources, LIPI also held a series of studies
porang root (Tacca) to produce derived products that serve specific
and high economic value, namely oligosaccharides. It is hoped these oligosaccharides
able diaplikaskan on various products in the food industry and beverage, or
a supplement products in the industry farmasi.15
b. Nuts
Winged bean (Psopocarpus tetragonolobus), has long been the world's attention because
seeds may have great potential to replace soybean. This type of
cultivars that have quite a lot. Each cultivar is distinguished by the shape
fruit and each has a name different regions. In Indonesia
winged bean plants have a high diversity, particularly in the area of Papua.
Results of exploration and collection of winged species by Khan (1976) 16,
obtained 121 pure lines in the winged bean germplasm collection. In Wamena-
High mountains Jayawijaya, Papua, identified the existence of some cultivars
wenale Puna is characterized by the lace on the edge of the corrugated fruit;
wenale namok characterized by lace on the edge of his sharp belekuk,
light green while the middle pale yellow, finned
light green; wenale kill to have a scalloped lace is, the color purple
parents; wenale huputna has sharp notched lace, light green; wenale
privilege has sharp notched lace dark purple (Walujo, 1994) 17. Large
possibility of Papua and Papua New Guinea became the center of diversity of winged bean.
Apart from winged beans are cowpea other potential (Vigna
unguiculata). There are at least 10 varieties of cowpea, and in general
contain vitamin B. The seeds contain riboflavin, niacin and Kara thiamine.18
surly (Mucuna pruriens) is recognized as reserve food in times of scarcity,
especially in the southern part of Java. The seeds contain 6 kinds of alkaloids
namely, mucunadine, mucunadinine, mucunadininene, prurienidine, prurieninine and
nicotine. As an alternative food soybean seeds can be made. According to Ganjar
(1974) 19, after fermented by using Rhizophus arrhizus, seed kara
surly this can be turned into tempeh with chemical composition, moisture content 61%,
15 Annual Report. Of 2010. Indonesian Institute of Sciences. Jakarta 12 710.
16 Khan, T.N. 1976. Papua New Guinea: A center of genetic diversity in winged bean (Psopocarpus tetragonolobus).
Euphytica. 1976.
17 Walujo, Eko B. Of 1994. Mukoko communities in the Valley Balim Irian Jaya: A Review ethnobotany. Development
Rural Communities: A Review of Analytical Communities Wamena, Irian Jaya. Library Rays of Hope, p 119-130.
18 Ogunmodede, B.K. & V.A. Oyenuga. Of 1969. Vitamin B content of cowpeas (Vigna ungiculata). J.Sci.Fd.Agric. 20:101-103.
19 Ganjar, I. & David S. Slamet. Of 1974. The nutrient content of fermented Mucuna pruriens. Paper Presented in the first
ASEAN Workshop on Grain legumes. Bogr. Indonesia 15-20 January 1974.
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ash 1%, 3% fat, 14% protein, carbohydrate 20.9%, 2% crude fiber, Ca 185 mg%, P
136 mg%, and Fe 1 mg%.
c. Fruits
Indonesia is rich with different kinds of fruits, such as bark, mango,
mangosteen, durian, rambutan, Kepel, starfruit. Durian for instance, of 27 types of durian
in Sumatra, Borneo and Malaysia, 19 species were found in
Borneo, and only 6 species are known to have potential as a table fruit.
Other fruit crops native Indonesia is Duku (Lansium domesticum). This type of
has three forms, namely Duku (L. domesticum var. Duku), Landsat (L. domesticum var.
domesticum), and kokosan (L. domesticum var. aquaeum). Some varieties are
publicly traded is duku Komering, Metesih, Condet and Kalikajar.
While the results of exploration conducted by researchers Bogoriense Herbarium,
Research Center for Biology-LIPI to many forest areas throughout Indonesia,
them at This Park Wartabone20 produces 40 types of
forest fruits of economic value to the community around it. Of
The number of 5 species including rare plants (Citrus macroptera, Cynometra
cauliflora, Dillenia celebica, Macadamia hildebrandii and Nephelium ramboutan)
and 3 endemic plant species (Dillenia celebica D. serrata, Macadamia
hildebrandii). Meanwhile Purwaningsih et.al21 doing exploration in
Durian forest cascade, Kotawaringin-Central Kalimantan, noting there are 26 species of trees
fruits found in the peat forests, 18 species in the former and 27 orangutans who terakar type
found in old secondary forests that have the potential as a source of fruit.
The types include Artocarpus kemando, Garcinia dioica, Baccaurea
Mino, Artocarpus anisophyllus, Sarcotheca diversifolia and Nephelium unicatum.
d. Sources of medicines and cosmetics
In terms of chemistry, each plant species is a chemical warehouse
(Chemical prospecting). Many hundreds of these chemicals are very useful
for the treatment and cosmetics. At least not more than 50% of derivative products
There is currently derived from natural resources (Fransworth 1985) 22. Soejarto
(1991) 23 has been shown to have even reported 120 chemical compounds derived from
100 families of plants, which are mostly tropical plants, including the
20 Test, Hold. Of 2001. The diversity of forest fruits in TN Bogani Wartabone Nani, North Suawesi. Proceedings
Love Puspa sehar Day Seminar and the National Animal: Exploring the Potential of Horticulture and Crop Prospects Improve
Towards Food Security. Bogor, 5 November 2000. Conservation Center Tumbuan-LIPI Bogor Botanical Gardens: 19-25.
21 Purwaningsih, Razali Yusuf and Sudarsono Riswan. Of 2001. Producing Fruit Trees in the Forest Riam Durian, Kotawaringin
Long-Central Kalimantan. Proceedings of the Seminar sehar Puspa Love Day and National Wildlife: Exploring the Potential and
Horticultural Crop Prospects Improve Toward Food Security. Bogor, 5 November 2000. Center for Conservation
Tumbuan-LIPI Bogor Botanical Gardens: 134-142.
22 Fransworth, N.R. 1985. Medicinal Plants in Therapy. Bull. World Health Organiz.63. 965-961.
23 Soejarto, D.D. In 1991. Why do medicinal sciences need tropical rain forests. Illinois State Acad.Sci Trans. 84: 65.
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found in Indonesia. These species was potential for the treatment of
various kinds of diseases, including malaria, cancer, heart disease and hypertension.
Environmental degradation and poverty make things unhealthy. Loss
biodiversity is closely associated with environmental damage. Imbalance
mengasilkan dynamic ecosystem disaster everywhere. Conversion of forest and land use
not managed properly will make the decline in agricultural productivity and food more
degenerate. If this condition still no solution, then Indonesia will remain a
importer country staples, particularly rice and wheat largest. Ironic with a wealth
biodiversity of its logic Indonesia will be free of food issues.
In the agribusiness sector, we must admit that we have not been able to raise resources
The original biological Indonesia that it should have high competitiveness. Rehabilitation system, often
take a shortcut with the introduction of plant species that have not been studied ecologically
feasibility, while many other types of fast growing real untapped potential.
The value of biodiversity at the genetic level will be important in the future, especially
to create new plants, new microorganisms for industrial processes as well as treatment
livestock and humans. It is therefore necessary research work focuses on finding the data
basic process and compile into valid information that can be easily
used to decide how to develop and apply them to
development needs. Advancement of the science of biotechnology is expected to push the technology to
increase the added value of biodiversity and the impact of environmentally sound
the left does not actually create new environmental problems.
Utilization of microorganisms either as boosters in the agribusiness sector (increased production,
improving product quality, increased value-added agricultural products) as well as
biocatalyst manufacturers to replace synthetic chemicals as well as material producers
chemicals need to be activated adi, including microorganisms endofitik (who lives in vascular tissue
plants) will also be very meaningful in an effort bioprospeksi and re-enrichment efforts
lands that need to be reclaimed.
Related to biodiversity for food, repositioning of science and technology need to be done with
give priority to research and special attention to: (1) inventory, characterization, and valuation
biodiversity for food, (2) Renewal of food products and production processes of
herbs, plants, animals and microbes, (3) Renewal of food raw materials through technology
tissue culture, genetic engineering, and bioprocess; (4) discovery / improvement of local knowledge
community about the diversity of biological resources-based food....
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