For several days this photo a
wallpaper on my computer. Praise be to God, every person who sees this photo
definitely give a compliment. From which side to their praise, I do not know.
Is my good shots, or because the food I make it taste. But in my
opinion, likely because the object of my photo is sago noodle.
Mi sago is the Malay community
Selatpanjang food craze. Why mie sago? Because from time immemorial
Selatpanjang region producing sago, and sago became a staple food. But now it
has shifted to rice (rice). Nevertheless, mi sago remains the Malay community
Selatpanjang craze, even the other tribes who lived in Selatpanjang also like
the sago noodle.
Usually, people who have long
left the Selatpanjang, must have thought the noodles sago. And when they return
home (Selatpanjang), must be sought is the sago noodle. Not long ago, no longer
my friend pregnant sago noodle cravings. Although the area where he lives far
away from Selatpanjang, she asked to be sent from Selatpanjang noodles raw
Now, it has a variety of food
presentation. Some are served with egg, shrimp wet or dried shrimp (ebi), and
others. Mi sago is processed in such a manner in accordance with the tastes of
devotees. However, the presentation of sago noodle classic (as in photo), the
only fish sprinkled with bleary-(tri) and leaves of chives, remains a favorite.
Moreover sago noodles wrapped in banana leaves used, the aroma is a very
Sago noodle specials again this
again is it a diet food for people with diabetes or diabetes. Diet by eating
foods of sago proven to reduce blood sugar of diabetics, because the
carbohydrate content in sago is very low.
Well, how about you? Ever feel
sago noodle dishes? If anyone who has never tasted it and wanted to try, do not
hesitate to ask me. Insyallah, when you set foot in Selatpanjang would I
treat eating noodles sago, or if you want to taste my homemade noodles sago?